MET provides asbestos surveys that comply with the Asbestos Standard for General Industry (29 CFR1910.1001). The standard is intended to prevent the inadvertent exposure of employees and the general public to airborne asbestos fibers. This standard is enforced by MIOSHA and applies to general housekeeping activities in buildings that contain, or may contain, an asbestos containing material, or ACM. Section (j)(2) of the standard requires building owners to:
MET also provides pre-demolition/renovation construction permitting services. The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, or NESHAP, requires any institutional, commercial or industrial structure that is installing or building, to be thoroughly inspected for ACMs prior to demolition or renovation. NESHAP also requires notification of a regional NESHAP coordinator before the building is demolished or renovated if the amount of ACMs contained in the building are above a specific "cutoff". This EPA standard is enforced in the State of Michigan by the Air Quality Division of the MDEQ.